When you have a damaged roof, there are typically three main options: a roof repair, a reroof, or a full replacement. But what’s the difference, and how do you decide? The pros at A.O. Roofing Services get this question every day from homeowners here in Central Florida, so let’s take a closer look to help you decide which is right for you.
What’s the Difference?
A roof repair is essentially exactly what it sounds like: It involves repairing specific damaged sections of your roof, such as by replacing shingles or fixing leaks.
Reroofing, on the other hand, is a type of repair that involves applying a new layer of shingles over the existing ones. While this may briefly extend the lifespan of a roof, it doesn’t address underlying issues. That’s why we don’t offer or recommend this service to our customers. Your roof is only as good as your decking, and there’s no way to inspect that decking for rotten or damaged wood that needs to be addressed without removing the current shingles.
This is where a roof replacement comes in. It fully replaces your roof, getting rid of all underlying issues to ensure you have a fully functioning roof that will last for decades.
Should I Repair or Replace My Damaged Roof?
When deciding to do a repair or reroof, there are several things to consider:
- The condition of your roof: If all you have is minor, localized damage, a simple repair might suffice. But for more extensive damage, replacement may be a better option.
- The age of the roof: If your roof is close to the end of its lifespan, a replacement may be more cost effective than repair.
- Your budget: Frequent repairs can add up, making a replacement more cost effective in the long term in some cases. Plus, a new roof can improve energy efficiency, leading to long term savings.
Questions? A.O. Roofing Can Help!
The decision of whether to reroof or repair can be tough, and you should take into account a variety of factors. But you don’t have to do it alone. The pros at A.O. Roofing are here to help. Contact us today to talk to our team of professionals.
Want to see more of our work from around Central Florida and in Polk County? Check out some of our other roofing projects on our blog to see some examples of the quality work we do. You can also stay up to date with us on social media! We’re on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram.