Take it from the pros at A.O. Roofing Services: Your roof does more than just keep out the wind and rain. It also has a major impact on how energy efficient your home is.
Factors such as color and insulation can affect how much heat your roof absorbs, leading to increased cooling costs for your home. Let’s take a look at how this works, and how roofs can be more energy efficient.
How Your Roof Impacts Energy Efficiency
Depending on your roof material, your rooftop can reach 150 F or more on a hot, sunny day. This heat then transfers into your attic, and then your home, forcing your air conditioning to work overtime to keep things cool. While good insulation can help reduce this, it can’t stop heat transference completely.
There are two main factors in how well your roof resists this heat transfer: the Solar Reflective Index (SRI) and your attic’s ventilation.
The SRI measures your roof’s ability to reject heat from the sun and release any heat that is absorbed. The higher the SRI, the better your roof is at keeping out the heat.
Your attic’s ventilation is also key. If your attic has poor ventilation, heat will build up and transfer to your home. But with good ventilation, you can keep that hot air moving so that your home stays cool.
To make a roof more energy efficient, there are a few things to consider:
- Shingle Color: Dark colors absorb more heat, and this is true for shingles as well. Lighter colored shingles reflect light more effectively, keeping your roof cool.
- Attic Insulation: Quality insulation reduces heat transfer between your roof and attic.
- Attic Insulation: Ensure proper ventilation to keep hot air from building up in your attic.
Stay Cool With an Energy-Efficient Roof
In a state as hot as Florida, keeping cooling costs down is important. With a properly designed roof, you can massively improve energy efficiency, so you can spend less and stay more comfortable. Interested in roof repair or replacement? Contact A.O. Roofing Services to get started.
Want to see more of our work from around Central Florida? Check out some of our other roofing projects on our blog to see some examples of the quality work we do. You can also stay up to date with us on social media! We’re on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram.